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Aug 26, 2024

12 Signs He’ll Never Ask You Out & How to Get Over It

You’ve got your eye on that special someone, and your heart skips a beat every time they walk into the room. You’ve imagined countless scenarios where they finally ask you out, but you wonder if it’ll ever happen as time passes. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute, you’re floating on cloud nine, convinced they’re just building the courage to make a move. The next, you’re scrutinizing every interaction, looking for signs that they might not be interested.

Let’s face it: waiting for someone to ask you out can be exhausting and emotionally draining. But what if there were clear signs that could tell you whether he’s ever going to make that move? In this article, we’ll explore 12 proven signs that he won’t ask you out, how to recognize them, and most importantly, how to move on if your crush isn’t reciprocating your feelings. We’ll also explore strategies to help you bounce back and find someone genuinely interested in you. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let’s navigate the tricky waters of unrequited crushes together!

Is It Possible to Recognize That Someone Doesn’t Like You?

Before we discuss the specific signs, let’s address a question that’s probably on your mind: Is it really possible to tell if someone doesn’t like you? The short answer is yes, but it can be more complex. Human behavior can be complex, and people express (or don’t) their interests differently.

However, some specific patterns and behaviors give you a pretty good idea of where you stand. It’s all about paying attention to verbal and non-verbal cues and consistent behavior patterns over time. While one or two of these signs might not mean much, when you start seeing multiple signs consistently, it’s time to take notice.

Recognizing these signs isn’t about being pessimistic or giving up hope. It’s about being realistic and protecting your emotional well-being. By learning to read these signals, you can save yourself from unnecessary heartache and open yourself up to new possibilities with someone who truly appreciates you. Remember, the right person will come when the time is right.

What are the 12 Proven Signs He Won’t Ask You Out?

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Here are 12 signs strongly suggesting he’s planning to wait to ask you out. Everyone is different, and these signs might not apply in every situation. Use them as guidelines rather than hard-and-fast rules.

He Prefers Seeing You in a Group Setting

If he consistently opts for group hangouts over one-on-one time, it might indicate that he’s not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. When a guy likes you, he’ll usually try to create opportunities to spend time alone with you. If he always brings friends along or only sees you in group settings, he might try to keep things firmly in the friendship zone.

This doesn’t mean you should never hang out in groups – that can be fun too! But it’s worth paying attention if he always wants to spend time with you. An interested guy will want to get to know you better, without the distraction of other people around.

He Always Refers to You as a Friend

Listen carefully to how he talks about you, both to your face and to others. If he consistently refers to you as a “friend” or introduces you as such to others, he’s likely setting clear boundaries about your relationship. This is especially telling if he emphasizes “friend” or uses phrases like “you’re such a good friend” frequently.

While it’s great to be friends, if you’re hoping for more, this repeated emphasis on friendship can signify that he doesn’t see you in a romantic light. It’s his way of gently letting you know where you stand without having an awkward conversation.

He Doesn’t Want to Flirt with You

Flirting is a natural part of showing romantic interest. If he’s not flirting with you, it might be because he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea. Look for signs of flirting like playful teasing, finding excuses to touch you (like a light touch on the arm during conversation), or giving you compliments that go beyond just friendly.

If your attempts at flirting are met with awkwardness, or he seems to avoid flirtatious behavior deliberately, it’s likely he’s trying to maintain a purely platonic relationship. Remember, flirting should be reciprocal. If you’re the only one making flirtatious moves, it might be time to reassess the situation.

He Doesn’t Keep Eye Contact with You

Eye contact is a powerful form of non-verbal communication, especially regarding attraction. If he consistently avoids eye contact with you, it could be a sign that he’s not interested or feels uncomfortable with the idea of a romantic connection.

Conversely, prolonged eye contact, especially with a smile, is often a sign of attraction. If he’s always looking away, checking his phone, or seems distracted when you’re talking, it might indicate he’s not interested or feels uncomfortable with the idea of a romantic connection. However, it’s important to note that some guys might be shy and find it difficult to maintain eye contact, so it’s crucial to consider other signs as well.

He Never Approaches You First

In any relationship, romantic or otherwise, there should be a balance of effort. If you find that you’re always initiating contact or making plans, it might be a sign that he’s less invested than you are. An interested guy will try to reach out, start conversations, and spend time with you.

This doesn’t mean he has to make every first move, but there should be some reciprocity. If you constantly feel like you’re chasing him down or you’re the only one making an effort to maintain contact, it’s worth considering that he might not be as interested as you hope.

He’s Talking to Other Girls

If he openly talks about other girls he’s interested in or you notice him flirting with others, it’s a clear sign that he’s not planning to ask you out. A guy interested in you will typically try to show you that you’re unique to him, not make you feel like just another girl in the crowd.

This doesn’t mean he can’t have female friends or talk to other women. But if he actively pursues or shows romantic interest in others, especially in front of you, it’s a strong indicator that he doesn’t see you as a potential romantic partner.

He Laughs at Your Compliments

Pay attention to how he reacts when you give him compliments. If he consistently laughs them off, deflects them, or seems uncomfortable, it might be because he doesn’t want to encourage your romantic interest. An interested guy usually accepts compliments graciously and might even return them.

This is especially true if he reacts differently to compliments from other people. If he accepts compliments from others but always brushes yours off, it could be his way of maintaining emotional distance from you.

He Never Texts You

In today’s digital age, texting is a common way to stay in touch and show interest. If he never initiates text conversations or takes ages to respond to your messages, you’re likely not a priority for him. An interested guy will want to stay connected, even if it’s just through casual texting.

This doesn’t mean he needs to be glued to his phone 24/7, but there should be some effort to maintain communication. It might be time to reconsider your expectations if you’re always starting conversations or your texts go unanswered for days.

He Refuses Physical Contact

Body language can tell you a lot about how someone feels. If he consistently avoids physical contact with you – like stepping away when you get close, avoiding hugs, or seeming uncomfortable with any form of touch – it could be a sign that he’s trying to maintain physical boundaries.

This is especially noticeable if he’s physically affectionate with other friends but not with you. An interested guy will usually look for small opportunities for physical contact, like a friendly hug or sitting close to you when you’re hanging out.

He Never Compliments Your Look

Compliments are a common way to express attraction and interest. If he never comments on your appearance or deliberately avoids noticing when you’ve made an effort with your look, it might be because he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea.

This doesn’t mean he needs to shower you with compliments constantly, but an interested guy will usually notice and appreciate when you look adorable. If he never seems to notice or comment, even when others do, it could be a sign that he’s not viewing you in a romantic light.

He Mentions Other Girls

Similar to talking about other girls, if he frequently mentions his attraction to other women or talks about his “type” (which doesn’t match your description), he’s likely trying to send a message that he’s not interested in you romantically. This could be his way of indirectly letting you know that he sees you as a friend rather than a potential partner.

A guy interested in you will typically try to make you feel special and unique. If he constantly brings up other women or compares you to them, it’s a vital sign that he doesn’t see you as a romantic prospect.

He Rejects Your Calls for a Date

Suppose you’ve gathered the courage to suggest a date or one-on-one hangout, and he consistently turns you down or makes excuses. In that case, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. A guy who likes you will usually jump at the chance to spend time alone with you.

This is especially true if he’s always “busy” when you suggest hanging out but later find out he has free time. If he’s interested, he’ll make time for you or try to reschedule. Constant rejection of your invitations indicates he needs to be looking to date you.


What Should You Do if You Suspect He Doesn’t Want to Date You?

Realizing that someone you like doesn’t feel the same way can be tough, but it’s not the end of the world. There are healthy ways to handle this situation, and here’s how:

Recognize the Signs

Start by being honest with yourself about the signs you’re seeing. Making excuses or seeing things the way you want is easy, but this only prolongs the pain. Take a step back and try to look at the situation objectively. Are there multiple signs he’s not interested? If so, it’s time to accept the reality. Recognizing the signs is the first step towards moving on and finding someone who truly appreciates you.

Talk to Your Friends

Your friends can offer support and a fresh perspective. They might notice things you’ve missed or provide a more objective view of the situation. Share your thoughts with them and ask for their honest opinion. Be open to what they have to say, even if it’s not what you want to hear. They care about you and can help you see things more clearly.

Avoid Overthinking

It’s easy to overanalyze every interaction, but this usually leads to more stress without any real answers. If you find yourself obsessing over details, it’s time to step back. Distract yourself with hobbies, spend time with friends, or focus on work. The less you overthink, the easier it will be to gain perspective and move forward.

Find Interest in Someone Else

One of the best ways to move on is to open yourself up to new possibilities. This doesn’t mean rushing into a new crush or relationship, but meeting new people can help shift your focus. If you’re ready, try expanding your social circle, joining clubs, or even exploring dating apps. The goal isn’t to find someone new right away but to remind yourself that there are plenty of interesting people out there.

Accept the Facts and Move On

The healthiest thing you can do is accept and make peace with the situation. Feeling disappointed’s okay, but don’t let these feelings hold you back. Remember, someone not being interested doesn’t diminish your worth—it just means you weren’t a match. Focus on being the best version of yourself, and trust that the right person will come along when the time is right.

Could He Change His Mind?

You may wonder if he could change his mind and become interested in you. While it’s not impossible, hanging your hopes on this possibility is generally not a good idea. People’s feelings can change, but waiting for someone to develop feelings for you rarely leads to a happy outcome.

If he’s consistently showing signs of not being interested, the healthiest approach is to accept it and move on. Trying to change someone’s mind about their romantic feelings often leads to frustration and disappointment. It’s better to focus your energy on people who show clear interest in you from the start.

Remember, you deserve someone excited about you and wants to be with you. Refrain from trying to convince someone to like you. The right person won’t need convincing—they’ll appreciate you for who you are from the beginning.

Can a Love Reading Help You Get Over Him Faster?

Love readings, whether through tarot, astrology, or other metaphysical practices, can be helpful for self-reflection and gaining new perspectives on your love life. While they shouldn’t be seen as absolute truth, they can offer insights or help you think about your situation differently.

The effectiveness of a love reading in helping you move on largely depends on your personal beliefs and how you use the information. Here’s how a reading might help:

  • Gaining New Perspectives: A reading might encourage you to view your situation from a different angle.
  • Emotional Release: Sometimes, a reading can provide a cathartic experience, helping you express and process your emotions.
  • Future Focus: Many readings emphasize future possibilities, which can help shift your focus from the past to new opportunities.
  • Self-Reflection: The questions and themes in a reading can prompt deeper self-reflection about what you truly want in a relationship.

However, it’s important to approach love readings with a balanced mindset. Use them as a tool for introspection and inspiration, not as a definitive guide. Ultimately, getting over someone usually involves a mix of self-care, support from friends and family, and giving yourself time to heal.


Recognizing that someone you like doesn’t feel the same way can be a tough pill to swallow. But remember, it’s not a reflection of your worth or lovability. Sometimes, people aren’t a match, and that’s okay. By learning to recognize the signs that he’s not interested in asking you out, you can save yourself from unnecessary heartache and open yourself up to new possibilities.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself throughout this process. Feeling disappointed or sad is okay, but don’t let these feelings define you. Focus on self-care, surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and keep your mind open to new opportunities. Remember, the right person will appreciate you for who you are and won’t leave you guessing about your feelings.

Whether you use love readings, talk to friends, or give yourself time to heal, trust that you will move past this. Every experience, even the disappointing ones, helps us grow and learn more about what we want and need in a relationship. Stay positive, keep your heart open, and trust that the right person will come when the time is right. You’ve got this!