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Jul 17, 2024

How to Become a Tarot Card Reader: 5 Things You Need to Know

Want to be a tarot card reader? Mastering the art takes years of study and practice, but anyone can learn to read tarot cards with dedication and patience.

Some people have an innate connection to tarot. These folks are usually psychics or intuitives. They pick up on energy and receive messages from all kinds of sources, including cards. The tarot is a tool for these readers to tap into their gifts.

For the rest of us, there are practical steps you can take to develop your skills. In this article, we’ll help you figure out which type of tarot reader you are and what you need to know to push your tarot journey further.

Can You Learn How to Do a Tarot Reading?

Absolutely! Anyone can learn to read tarot cards with a bit of dedication and practice. While some people might feel a natural connection to the cards, you don’t need a special gift to get good at it. The key is a willingness to study, practice, and open yourself to the intuitive process.

Learning tarot involves understanding the cards’ symbolism, developing your intuition, and learning to communicate your insights effectively. There are tons of resources out there to help you, from books and online courses to community workshops and mentorship programs. The more you dive into the world of tarot, the more confident and skilled you’ll become.

Is it Possible for Anyone to Become a Tarot Reader?

Anyone can become a tarot reader with the passion and commitment to learn. Some might pick it up faster due to their intuitive nature or background in related fields, but everyone has the potential to master the art. Your journey might be different from others, and that’s okay. The diversity in experiences and interpretations makes tarot reading so rich and unique.

It’s important to remember that becoming a skilled tarot reader isn’t about being perfect from the start. It’s about growing your abilities, learning from your experiences, and continuously refining your skills. Embrace your journey and trust that you’ll become a confident and insightful tarot reader with time and practice.

Signs You Have a Natural Talent for Tarot Readings

Do you have what it takes to be a tarot reader? Sure, signs and traits indicate a natural talent for this practice. Here are some key indicators to consider:

You’re Highly Intuitive

If you often have gut feelings that turn out to be correct, you might have a natural talent for tarot readings. Intuition plays a big role in interpreting the cards’ meanings beyond their literal symbols. Trusting your inner voice and letting it guide you can make your readings more profound and accurate.

You Get Messages Through Dreams

Do you have vivid dreams or often find meaning in them? Receiving messages through dreams can show a strong connection to your subconscious mind, which is a valuable asset in tarot reading. Dreams can provide insights and symbols that enhance your understanding of the cards and the questions being asked.

You Can Feel the Energy of Others

Empathy and sensitivity to other people’s emotions are crucial traits for a tarot reader. If you can easily pick up on others’ feelings and energies, you can use this ability to connect more deeply with your clients and offer readings that resonate with their experiences. Understanding and empathizing with others will help you provide more meaningful and compassionate guidance.

You Like Helping Others

If you genuinely enjoy helping others, you’re on the right path to becoming a successful tarot reader. Tarot reading often involves offering advice and support to those seeking clarity. If you find fulfillment in guiding others and helping them navigate their lives, this compassionate nature will enhance your readings and build trust with your clients.

How to Become a Tarot Reader in 5 Simple Steps

Ready to jump into the world of tarot? Here are five easy steps to get you started on your journey to becoming a skilled tarot reader:

Read Books About Tarot

Start your journey by diving into the wealth of literature available on tarot. Books can provide a comprehensive understanding of the history, symbolism, and techniques of tarot reading. Some classic recommendations include “The Tarot Bible” by Sarah Bartlett and “78 Degrees of Wisdom” by Rachel Pollack. These books offer a solid foundation and can help you develop your unique reading style.

Connect with Other Tarot Readers

Joining a community of tarot enthusiasts can speed up your learning process. Engaging with experienced readers, attending workshops, and participating in discussions can provide new insights and practical tips. Look for local meetups, online forums, or social media groups where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

Take a Tarot Course

A structured course can give you a deeper understanding of tarot cards and how to use them effectively. Many online platforms offer classes for beginners and advanced readers alike. These courses often include video tutorials, reading assignments, and practical exercises to help you build your skills systematically.

Develop Coaching and Listening Skills

Being a good tarot reader is about more than just interpreting the cards. It’s also about listening to your clients, understanding their concerns, and providing guidance in a supportive manner. Developing coaching and active listening skills can enhance your ability to connect with clients and offer insightful and compassionate readings.

Practice with Friends

Practice is key to becoming a skilled tarot reader. Start by offering readings to your friends and family. This will give you a safe space to practice your skills, receive feedback, and build confidence. As you gain experience, you’ll become more comfortable with the cards and your ability to provide meaningful readings.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Professional Tarot Reader?

How long it takes to become a professional tarot reader really depends on you—how dedicated you are and how much time you put into learning and practicing. Some people might feel ready to offer professional readings after a few months, while others might take a year or more. Go at your own pace and don’t rush it.

Becoming a professional tarot reader isn’t just about mastering the cards. You’ll also need to develop business skills, like marketing your services, managing client relationships, and setting up a professional online presence. Taking the time to build a solid foundation will help you succeed in the long run.

Should You Get a Tarot Reading Session First?

Getting a tarot reading from an experienced reader can be super helpful when you’re starting out. It shows you how a pro conducts a reading, helps you understand the flow and interaction, and lets you experience the impact of a well-done session. This can give you valuable insights and inspiration for your own practice.

A personal reading can also guide and clarify your path to becoming a tarot reader. It can help you understand your motivations, strengths, and areas for improvement. Seeing a skilled reader in action can boost your commitment and enthusiasm for learning this ancient art.


Becoming a tarot card reader is a rewarding journey that mixes intuition, study, and practice. By diving into the symbolism of the cards, connecting with a community of readers, and constantly honing your skills, you can learn to offer meaningful guidance to others. Whether you’re doing this for personal growth or to help others, learning tarot is full of discovery and insight.

Remember, the key to tarot reading is your willingness to learn and grow. Embrace the process, trust your intuition, and enjoy the journey. With time, dedication, and practice, you can become a confident and skilled tarot reader, ready to share your unique insights with those seeking guidance.