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Jun 27, 2024

What is Spiritual Meditation and How Is it Performed?

In this fast-paced world, slowing down seems impossible. The quest for peace and quiet is like a never-ending story, with tranquility always slightly out of reach. No wonder so many of us are meditating to cultivate inner calm. If you want to bring something more to your mindfulness practice, spiritual meditation offers a special kind of serenity.

Spiritual meditation dives into the depths of your innermost mind, opening the door to a connection with your subconscious mind, a higher power, or some universal cosmic energy. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of spiritual meditation and how you can weave it into your everyday routine.

What is Spiritual Meditation?

Spiritual meditation is like a prayerful reflection that uses visualization, breathing, and mantras to connect with your innermost self or a higher power. While traditional meditation aims to quiet the mind and observe thoughts, spiritual meditation opens the door to a deeper connection with something beyond ourselves.

Many religions have their own forms of spiritual meditation. For instance, Buddhist monks might practice Vipassana to gain insights into reality, while Catholic nuns may use centering prayer to deepen their relationship with God.

This practice is closely tied to your personal spiritual beliefs and could involve connecting with a higher power, divine energy, or a universal consciousness. It’s about fostering a sense of reverence, gratitude, and letting go, allowing you to hand over your worries to a higher source of guidance and wisdom.

Why is Spiritual Meditation so important?

When life gets hectic, do you ever find yourself craving something more? Do you long for a sense of purpose and a connection that goes beyond the daily grind? It’s human nature to believe in something greater than ourselves. Whether it’s a religious deity, universe, or spiritual entity, having faith in something can bring us comfort and peace. Spiritual meditation offers a way to tap into that belief and cultivate a deeper connection with it.

Quieting the mind and opening ourselves to this higher power can help us gain insight, clarity, and guidance on our life journey. If the idea of a higher power is hard to grasp, cultivate a connection with your subconscious mind or the natural energies of the universe.

Spiritual meditation offers a way to tap into unexplored parts of yourself and your life. It’s a path to exploring your spirituality, finding some inner peace, and better grasping who you are and your place in the world. By quieting the mental chatter and looking inward, you can rise above the everyday noise and find some serious serenity and clarity.

Main Benefits of Spiritual Meditation

Spiritual meditation comes with a whole bunch of benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. Besides helping you relax and bust stress, it can lead to deep inner peace, contentment, and fulfillment. Here are some of the top perks you can score:

  • Inner Peace and Calm: It helps you find a deep sense of peace and tranquility, quieting your mind, reducing stress, and giving you a safe haven amidst life’s chaos.
  • Spiritual Connection: By tapping into your spiritual essence, you can feel a strong connection with your higher self, universal energy, or divine source, giving you a better understanding of your purpose and place in the world.
  • Enhanced Self-awareness: It boosts your self-awareness and introspection, helping you explore your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with more clarity and insight.
  • Emotional Well-being: Regular practice is linked to better emotional health, less anxiety and depression, and more feelings of joy, gratitude, and contentment.
  • Stress Reduction: A powerful tool for reducing stress. It helps you release tension, ease worries, and build resilience against life’s ups and downs.

How to Perform a Spiritual Meditation

Ready to try a spiritual meditation? You can follow our DIY steps solo or create a personalized routine with guidance from an expert psychic advisor. The essentials are a sacred, safe space and a clear, open mind.

Set Clear Intentions and Goals

Before you begin, take a moment to set clear intentions for your meditation. What do you hope to get out of it? Do you want answers? Energy protection? Spiritual guidance? Write down your specific intention, speak it out loud, and hold it in your heart.

Find a Quiet Place

Pick a quiet, peaceful spot where you won’t be interrupted. It could be a cozy corner at home, a serene outdoor space, or a dedicated meditation area.

Put on Relaxing Music or Ambient Noise

Play some soothing music or nature sounds to help you relax. Choose tunes that resonate with your spiritual vibes and bring on a sense of tranquility.

Focus on Breathing

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Pay attention to your breath coming in and out. Let it slow down and become deep and rhythmic, grounding you in the present.

Be Present in the Moment

Shift your awareness to the now, letting go of any worries or distractions. Fully experience the sensations, thoughts, and emotions without judging them.


Once your mind feels calm and clear, focus on what comes into your mind. Notice the words, sounds, and images you conjure. Keep a pencil and paper nearby to jot down these messages. Try not to focus on their meanings until your meditation is over.

When is the Best Time to Perform Spiritual Meditation?

The best time to meditate really depends on you. Some folks love starting their day with meditation to set a positive tone, while others prefer evening sessions to unwind before bed. The key is to find a time when you can be uninterrupted and truly connect with your inner self and spiritual essence.

How Often Should You Have a Spiritual Meditation?

Like any skill, spiritual meditation requires practice. The more you do it, the easier it becomes to listen and understand the messages you receive. Whether it’s twice a day or twice a month, the important thing is consistency. Stick with your practice to reap the full rewards of spiritual meditation.

Combining Spiritual Meditation with Other Practices

Integrating spiritual meditation with other wellness practices can enhance its benefits and create a more holistic approach to your well-being. Combining spiritual meditation with complementary activities can deepen your practice, boost your overall health, and cultivate a balanced lifestyle. Here are some ways to blend spiritual meditation with other practices:


Yoga and spiritual meditation are a match made in heaven. Yoga prepares the body and mind for meditation through physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and concentration (Dharana). After a yoga session, your body is relaxed, and your mind is calm, making it the perfect time to slide into spiritual meditation. You can start with a few gentle yoga stretches and a meditation session to center yourself and deepen your spiritual connection.


Journaling is a powerful tool to complement your spiritual meditation practice. After a meditation session, take some time to jot down your thoughts, insights, and feelings. This practice helps you process your experiences, track your progress, and clarify your spiritual journey. You can use prompts like “What did I feel during my meditation?” or “What insights or messages did I receive?” to guide your journaling.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to enhance the meditation experience. Scents like lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood have calming and grounding properties that can deepen your meditation practice. You can use essential oils in a diffuser, apply them to your pulse points, or incorporate them into a relaxing bath before meditating. Aromatherapy can help create a serene environment, making it easier to enter a meditative state and connect with your spiritual self.

Sound Healing

Sound healing involves using sound vibrations to promote relaxation and healing. Instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, and gongs produce frequencies that can help balance your energy and enhance meditation. You can listen to these sounds during your meditation session or attend a sound bath session where a practitioner plays the instruments while you meditate. The soothing sounds can help you reach a deeper state of relaxation and spiritual connection.


Reiki is an energy healing practice that complements spiritual meditation by promoting balance and harmony within the body. A Reiki practitioner channels healing energy to you, helping to clear energy blockages and enhance your meditation experience. You can receive Reiki before or during meditation to deepen your relaxation and spiritual awareness.


Spiritual meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with your inner self, receiving guidance and insight, and cultivating a deeper sense of peace and well-being. By setting clear intentions, finding a quiet place, focusing on breathing, being present in the moment, and listening to your inner voice, you can create a meaningful spiritual experience.

Combining spiritual meditation with other practices like yoga, journaling, aromatherapy, sound healing, and Reiki can enhance its benefits and create a holistic approach to wellness. Whether you’re looking for solace in tough times, exploring your spirituality, or aiming for more balance and harmony in life, spiritual meditation can nurture your soul and help you embrace the beauty of the present moment. So, carve out some sacred space, quiet your mind, and start your journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal through spiritual meditation.