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9,884readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my servicesSome topics I specialize in: Male specialist for women seeking the male's point of view LGBTQ Marriage Situationships Third-party situations Drama in the workplace Career pivot Life outcomes Family matters What I don't cover: Health Legal Mediumship About Your Reading I am here to give you insight into your relationships, compatibility and career while giving you a head’s up on the challenges you may face in the future. From me, you can always expect an honest, non-judgemental, and energetic reading as we move to the heart of the situation. you will always get what you deserve from me – the truth. You will not get sugar-coated news no matter how hard the truth is to sink in. Ordering a Live Reading From Me : It takes a few seconds to pick up on energies, so please do not rush the process! For an accurate reading, make sure to be as specific as possible with your questions. Your review holds power. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the answers and/or need any further clarification, drop me a message before leaving a negative review, as it may stop others who are in need of receiving advice. Ordering a Rush Reading From Me : When possible, it's better to send your questions via video. For those seeking a palm reading, please make sure to hold your palms in front of the camera with good lighting For an accurate reading, make sure to be as specific as possible with your questions. Your review holds power. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the answers and/or need any further clarification, drop me a message before leaving a negative review, as it may stop others who are in need of receiving advice.
About meHi! I'm Jahben, an experienced third generation born gifted psychic known for channeling answers to people's most difficult questions with zero sugar-coating. I receive energy and insights directly from my ancestors, who too were light workers during their lifetimes. As an expert in tarot, numerology, and psychic guidance for love, relationships, career, and life/purpose, I specialize in partner matching, assessing compatibility, and uncovering people's raw emotions, intentions, and actions. While timing is fluid and we all have free will, I'm also reputed for my accuracy in predicting timelines.
06 Sep 24
Thank you
06 Sep 24
Thank you
05 Sep 24
Thanks always for insightful, compassionate advice!
05 Sep 24
really good
Jamie Patterson
04 Sep 24
Thank you
04 Sep 24
A great reading very positive
04 Sep 24
Well I'm not sure what to say. But. I hope you are right that she wants me and not other guys. Just my gut is telling me different for some reason and it's really hurting me
03 Sep 24
His last reading was very accurate and I appreciated it.
Positive RyHan
02 Sep 24
Very good honest straightforward reading. I would have liked to see the cards he got but the reading to positive.
Evelyn Khoo
31 Aug 24
thks for the guidance
0readings since readings ()
Honest - Direct - Compassionate
0readings since readings ()
Honest - Direct - Compassionate
purple garden
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