Astro Allie
2,741readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my services***PURPLE GARDEN*** If the icon says I am online, then I am online! Sometimes there are glitches in the app, if for whatever reason the call doesnt connect the first time, please call again! 😊 ☝️ A NOTE ABOUT FOLLOW UP MESSAGES ☝️ Friends 🙏, please excuse me as I can not always reply to follow up messages. I receive many calls, one after another, and sometimes I can not reply to messages I receive after reasings. Recently someone left a ☹️ review about this. I am sorry to that person, as it was not my intention to ignore her! Please be aware that I do my best to be attentive, but as a busy reader, many calls come in, and it can happen that post-reading PMs can get lost in the notifications. If you really have a burning 🔥 follow up question, please send more than one message (if I don’t reply). Thanks 😊 🌟🌟It’s Written In Your Stars🌟🌟 ♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ Good morning, day, or evening to you my friends! You have come to the right place. Astrologer Allie is here to answer all questions you may have, as well as give additional counselling if needed. Some general services: -Astrology -Oracle Cards -Clairvoyant, clairsentient services -Distance reiki -Spiritual advice -Advice and support to help you develop your own psychic/spiritual abilities 💕🌸💕🌸 💕🌸💕🌸 LOVE, MARRIAGE, MATCHING 💕🌸💕🌸 💕🌸💕🌸 Is he/she the right one? Lets look into it! I can also see which areas your relationship will be strong in, and which will be weaker. 🍀💰👩🏽‍💼👨🏻‍💼 💰🍀 CAREER/MONEY/WEALTH 🍀💰👩🏽‍💼👨🏻‍💼 💰🍀 Having trouble with money? Need to find out which career is right for you? I’m here to help. 🌎🌍🌏ASTRO TRAVEL🌎🌍🌏As well, I can also help clients see the positive or negative aspect of locations on a global scale, for the client specifically. This means: if, for example, you are interested in Thailand, I can show you how your life would be if you were to go there. P.S: Did you know that each person has specific “power points” on planet Earth? I can tell you which locations would be transformational for you. 🌎🌍🌏 Hope we can have a session soon. Namaste!🙏
About me🕉My name is Allie. 🕉 —Bhakti-Yogini —Astrologer (Vedic/Indian system- I use this to help tune into you and your situation) —Psychic (clairvoyant— I literally see things as if I were dreaming. Clairsentient—oddly enough, I smell things! Certain smells give me different indications) 🌻🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌻 🐚🍃💐💦📿 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 Growing up as a child in a small town in Canada I was always a little different. I was very intuitive and could feel certain spirits around me. I would dream of the future at night. By day I was always a daydreamer, something I could not turn off. Adults always told me to stop daydreaming! I could and can see places and situations, as if going to them through “lucid day-dreaming/astral travel”. Past, present, future. In my adult life I moved to the big city and discovered the whole world! I have been studying Jyotish/Vedic/Indian astrology for the past 6+ years. I love this system because it has all the answers. I previously lived for several years as a female monk living and studying in Ashrams between both Canada and India. During this time I practiced serious meditation which opened up my mind and third eye. Believe me, I know life is full of hurdles, twists and turns— I have definitely had my fair share of hard times and still I am here and doing my best in life! 🕉☦️✡️✝️☪️☯️ I respect all religions and spiritual paths 🕉☦️✡️✝️☪️☯️
10 Mar 25
Allie is super friendly and can intuit exactly what is up with your situation. 10/10 recommend!
10 Mar 25
Allie was very quick with her responses and answered each of my queries with insightful replies.
07 Mar 25
I won’t give red but in the reading she responded something happened yes but at the end of reading that might not by this time. I have follows up, update- he did not call yesterday, think it was good energy from this reader - thank you for your time
07 Mar 25
thank u!
07 Mar 25
Great reading!
07 Mar 25
answered my question which is always a complicated one. Many things in life are effected by multiple people making choices and I feel Astro Allie was spot on and time will tell. I plan to follow back up in the future as things unfold
06 Mar 25
Answered all my questions :)
04 Mar 25
04 Mar 25
Thanks but I’m not sure if that’s a yes or no to my question , I feel that’s what I was asking but thanks for your time.
03 Mar 25
excellent reading thank you!
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Astro Allie
Psychic. Love. Career. Astrology.
0readings since readings ()
Astro Allie
Psychic. Love. Career. Astrology.