Aym For Divine
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2,837readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my servicesMy passion and purpose is to touch every person with love and light💫 I am here to give guidance with any questions regarding Love, Relationships, Soul Connections and Self Love❤ I use my Tarot and Oracle cards as tools to ensure the messages come through as clear and accurate as possible. As I meditate on the cards I often receive downloads from Divine which I like to include in my readings to give you every bit of information meant for you to know and hear! I am a very compassionate person and matters of the heart can be extremely hard but I truly believe that although the truth may not feel the greatest it is essential to growing and thriving on a 3D and 5D level! I will be very honest and upfront about the energies that come through with insight on how to utilize them to your advantage! 💫To get the most out of your reading please provide clear and honest information about your current situation. 💫Prepare specific questions (max 2 for 3 minute reading) so that specific answers and guidance come through quickly and accuratly! 💫When seeking guidance on a specific person please provide their Name and Date of birth including year. 💫Be understanding that everyone has freewill and most times the way to shift the situation w/ your POI is to make shifts within yourself to become a magnet to your desires! 💫I believe in channeling messages as they come through. If its not what you WANT to hear it is what you NEED to hear. I am here to help you navigate through anything challenging for the outcome of your highest good! 💫Due to freewill please be aware that timelines are never set in stone but luckily any work you do on yourself may help shift the timelines in your favor! ❗Important things to know before booking your reading❗ ▪General questions get general answers (be as specific as possible) ▪No pregnancy, medical or legal questions. ▪I do not provide any details or answer questions regarding third party situations...this is YOUR reading and the focus is on you and/or your POI. ▪Shifts do not occure overnight. With the insight and guidance given either it will get better or YOU will get better! ▪Keep an open mind and remember that even winding roads lead to beautiful places! If further clarity is needed, I will answer one clarifier question so please ask in the comments section. Additional questions will require you to order a new reading. I look forward to reading for you❣
About meHello Divine Souls I am an Intuitive empath as well as Clairsentient Lightworker that channels messages of guidance from Divine💫 Since a very young age I have had the ability to feel energies and pick up on hidden truths not sensed by others. Using this gift I have been able to help those around me live a happier and more purposeful life whether it be with their POI or within their own soul's journey! I specialize in Love Relationships, Soul Connections and Self Love but I can assist and guide you in any areas of your life using my intuitive gifts as well as my Tarot and Oracle cards! I am very passionate about helping anyone I interact with feel empowered and live the life they deserve and desire for themselves. Channeled messages that come through me are ALWAYS for your highest good and are intended to guide you on your soul's journey through life!
06 Sep 24
So happy to see you back on, Aym!! Thsnk you for all of the clarification!! Blessings!
03 Sep 24
she’s absolutely amazing! she helped me for two days in a row and I just love the way she communicates — it’s like talking to one of my close friends. will definitely be coming back 💖
03 Sep 24
she was absolutely amazing
03 Sep 24
love chatting with her so amazing with the energy that she reads
02 Sep 24
I do not rate her enough- she is always 1000/10! she is my saving Grace, always non judgmental and aligns be back on the right path. 🤍
01 Sep 24
I read with Aym back in June. During that time, she told me that my life would look completely different in 4-6 months. I literally thought "yeah right" and it has changed. we are in September. I have a new job I love. my love life is taking off. Life is good :)
31 Aug 24
I will be back! I’m loving this convo but running out of funds. I will definitely work on all of this and be back! thank you! you are the best!💜
30 Aug 24
Aym is absolutely amazing. She is caring intuitive and inspirational. I am so grateful to have found her! thank you.
30 Aug 24
amazing and so uplifting! love her. she’s wonderful and caring
28 Aug 24
she’s amazing
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Aym For Divine
Love, Heartache, Soul Connections
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Aym For Divine
Love, Heartache, Soul Connections
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