Pedro Toniol
822readings since 2022readings (2022)
About my servicesHello there, thank you for choosing my advise! Keep reading to get a better view of the provided services before send a question, so we can get the most of our reading. ✨Max of two questions per reading. ✨If you can submit a video, that would be nice so we can get closer, and our energies may reasons together. ✨We can have a lot of significant ones sometimes, love is to be spread, but let's talk about one love at a time, so we can get the best of our reading. hi there, thank you for coming! Please, keep reading to know better about my services before sending a question so we can get the best of our reading. 🚫"If he/she is the one" is not a viable question to the Oracle. You may have many "the ones" in your life. The ways of spiritual development may bring you many people. ❌ No medical question, please, visit a Doctor. ❌ No legal/court case question, please, get a lawyer. 🌈 LGBTQIA+ friendly. Every form of love must be celebrated. No existence should be silenced. 🏕️ Here you'll find a judgement-free environment, always respecting your privacy. Bring your desires and we can find a way to fulfill your wishes. 🍀When you ask a question with details and feelings, the deck will reverberate consonantly. When you ask a general question, the deck will answer in a more generalist way. ♥️Okay, I think we're ready. So, what's your question today?
About meHello my name is Pedro Toniol. I'm a brazilian Tarot reader, with five years of experience. I've entered the ways of the mystic, since I was a kid, visiting different kinds of spiritual paths I'm a son of the Orishá. My guardians are Oshun ✨🌷♥️ and Ogun🗡️🛡️🗝️ Today I have affinity with afro-brazilian culture, like Umbanda and Candomblé. I have a degree in Psychology, in one of the best universities from Brazil, with two years of clinical experience.
10 Oct 24
I think it went well
03 Oct 24
thank you for this reading!
03 Oct 24
great reading resonates
02 Oct 24
very good service
02 Oct 24
He’s really good, I recommend coming to him for clarity.
01 Oct 24
great reading
26 Sep 24
i liked how he gives in the information from the card and explains. positive energy thank you for your tike and reading.
18 Sep 24
Thank you
Dane Michael
17 Sep 24
10 Sep 24
great reading
0readings since readings ()
Pedro Toniol
Tarot Reading and Intuitive Reading
0readings since readings ()
Pedro Toniol
Tarot Reading and Intuitive Reading