Krystal Clear
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11,821readings since 2022readings (2022)
About my servicesHi! I’m Krystal 👋 Read my profile to make sure we vibe! I use my gifts for healing, not predicting. Spirit’s insight is for you to find your flow, I’m just the messenger 😊 Areas of Focus 👁️ - Love + Relationships - Family / Ancenstral Healing - Energy Maintenance - Twin Flames - Career Guidance - Using/Learning Spiritual Gifts - Astrology - Naturopathy + Yoga
About meIt’s important that we align in order for you to receive the most insight from Spirit, so below you will find my Code of Ethics as an advisor 👇 These are the areas I will and will not read on: ✅ Your Reading Is About YOU 🫵 and your healing journey. I will not answer about what someone else will or will not do, or when. These are predictions, and I am not God 🙏 I use my gifts from Spirit as a healer, teacher, and messenger to help YOU navigate your situation, learn more about yourself, and make decisions. Speaking of decisions… ✅ Your Decisions Create Your Reality 🪞 I will help you make a decision by reading the energy between you and your situation or person, and offering Spirit’s advice as guidance for healing - but I do not to make decisions for you because I believe in free will + karmic respinsibility, and I cannot read on the decisions of another. ⚖️ ✅ Your Intuition Matters 🕯️ I love being an Intuitive Coach! Let’s work on fine crafting your gifts 💝 ✅ Love Readings: I can tap into the frequency of your divine lover and describe how to recognize them if you are single. If you have a love interest or two, I can describe and channel their feelings for you, but it’s up to your heart to decide. I do not provide names, or predictions. I am an all-inclusive reader 🌈🍍🧩👽 but there are a few things I will not read on, and can refuse to answer 👇 ❌ no predictions ❌ no timeframes ❌ no 3rd party ❌ no surprises, secrets, lies, cheating (This includes no spoilers on marriage proposals!) ‼️ Consent matters in all dimensions. I will not read on people’s feelings outside of their connection to you. 💟 - - - - - - - About Me: I began working with my intuitive gifts and spirit guides in 2006. I’m a channel for Spirit’s insight and guidance. I use tarot and oracle cards to confirm and/or clarify Spirit’s message. As an Intuitive Healing Coach, I use my psychic gifts to provide practices, perspectives, and insight to navigate your situation, learn something new, heal deeper, and grow more confident. ⭐️ If you’d like an Astrology session, please request it by providing your date of birth, location, and time of birth for each person in the reading. 🪴 I am a Naturopathic Practitioner certified in Yoga and Ayurvedic Healing, so I offer breathwork, meditation, simple yoga, and holistic coaching at a discounted price on Purple Garden. Please message me for additional info. ❣️- - - - - - - General Advice 🗣️ Ask the person what you would “ask a psychic”. For example, ask your person if they are interested in you. Ask if they cheated. Ask why they are being silent/weird/hot-and-cold. Then - ask your trusted advisor how to navigate your person’s answer or lack thereof. The question you ask is just as important as the insight given. ⚡️ You can “manifest the life you desire”, and its determined by what you do - not what you have or don’t have. If you can release the details of how its supposed to go, focus on what you desire, really feel it out, be it for yourself, and then take care of your (divine) disciplines, you will manifest what you seek. 🔥 Twin Flames, it is not my place to confirm or tell you who your TF is, but I can help you navigate the dynamic of your union. As a twin flame in union, I’m happy to share my experience if you ask. 🤝 - - - - - - - What To Expect 3️⃣ I will only answer 3 questions on Purple Ocean. 🎴I will tell you the cards I pulled and Spirit’s message. If you DONT want cards, tell me. 🙂 My message will be encouraging and positive, even if the answer is not. ❓If you’re confused, send me a message. My job is to clarify. ☹️ If you have an experience that is less than satisfactory, I’d be happy to provide a resolution - just message me. For me and my family, this Purple Community is important, and so is your happiness. Most negative reviews are due to false expectations of an outcome or prediction, which I do not promise because (if you’ve read my profile this far you know) I honor free will and divine time - and people go rogue sometimes. If you do not have this acceptance, I am not for you. Please choose another advisor who will make predictions. 🙏 If you have read this far, thank you.
14 Mar 25
Another amazing reading. Cannot tell you how happy I am with the results.
14 Mar 25
Such a lovely and helpful reading! Thank you 🙏
13 Mar 25
Thank you, Krystal! You’re by far my favourite advisor🤍
13 Mar 25
13 Mar 25
Krystal absolutely takes her time to throughly explain her readings. She is excellent and I will continue to use her!
13 Mar 25
Krystal truly takes her time with people and goes above and beyond
13 Mar 25
Excellent 🙏❤️
13 Mar 25
Thank you Krystal 🙏🥰 this definitely helps a lot, like I’m seeing things for the first time again 🙏🥰
13 Mar 25
Krystal is truly the best and the real deal on here!! blessed to have her by my side thru my journey! 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻💕
13 Mar 25
talk is good - thank you!
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Krystal Clear
Love Readings Twin Flame Advisor
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Krystal Clear
Love Readings Twin Flame Advisor