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About my servicesLibra Season prediction! Kicking the season off, communication flows from a place of reason and sensibility, as the moon trines the sun in Air signs of Gemini and Libra. Mercury rules over this, influencing us to ask more questions and connect as we release outdated notions and old formats of thought. There is a depth here with the aspect to Pluto providing a need to clear these limitations in conceptual understanding that begs us to be humble and grateful so not to get humbled and embarrassed when we socialize. A simple “Shit ya, okay then, i stand corrected” or “My bad, Thank you for informing me” will go a long way over “but that’s not how it used to be.” As we close out the month of September and truly step into the Autumn magic this open minded energy can take you places you’ve only dreamt of. October requires this unbiased disposition, as many in the anointed collective are drawn into a bizarro world experience. For most of the season of Fall we have planets working through weakened spaces. . Our power sources for facilitating compromise, direct attention and motivation are both being filtered throughout emotional bodies. Without a habitual effort of self awareness, a lack of accountability stands to create great pain and damage to the sociality connections humanity requires to function with progress. This energy will bring out the worst in most of humanity, with a sense of self importance and bitterness at the core, a projection of insecurity can run haywire. Now for Libra season horoscopes! check your Sun and rising and for a more in-depth at reading, please connect with me! Libra season  9/22- 10/22 2024 Horoscopes By AstroBrie  Aries -   There is a vibration shift for you this year, and it's centering around those things that you hold closest to your heart. There will be strains regarding your home, how you parent, how you were parented,  and who you trust. With the more feminine and gentle people in your life taking center stage, it's likely, this season they seem to have siphoned all your gusto. This is not a time to push yourself, and if you can sit back and re calibrate. At the end of September the burnout is boiling over and the effects of your choices in relation to the woman and caregivers in your life is at the forefront of your focus. Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius people may very well be bringing you recipes of their grievances. Leo, Virgo and Gemini people will also share the podium of your attention towards the end of the month of september, as they bring new information to you to help you move through this very sluggish energy. As we shift into October there is the first week offering commitments that require a conviction from you, as there will be haters casting judgment. Let them, they will move on when they see you're not giving in. Mid month, there is expansive conversations that could put you in a space are debate, and staying open minded will prove more difficult, so remind yourself that the pain of others often shows up as outward agitation, individuals who have experienced pain, trauma, or harm are more likely to inflict hurt on others. Hurt people, hurt people. Do not take it personally. This season offers you a chance to see the raw in others, be gentle with them, they are fragile.  Taurus -  Most of the time, Libra season is the time of the year where you start focusing on your routines and health, but it also is a time where you get real judgey on yourself and others. This year there is an opportunity to shift that critical eye and use it to stack bills. The magnifying glass x-ray eye skill you normally use to assess worth is paired with an optimistic wide lens and the ability for you to find the pockets of potential is bigger than it's been in the last twelve years. Capricorn Pisces  and Aquarius  people will likely stand to offer these opportunities to you with ease at this time. Promotion and business expansions are ripe now but it will require you to bravely take what's available to you. This first week of October ends with this opportunity, and it's vital that you pick the ripe fruit while it's hanging. Scorpio energy is warming up to you now and  by the end of Libra season the process of expansion is moving fast. Your reputation is shining in reflection of the commitments you make. Trust that people want to support this, so speak on it and remember, you do deserve this.  Gemini -  The last week of September has the Gemini energies taking it all in. The big moves that the world is taking offers a lot of new information to process. Around the end of September there is an Ah-Ha moment that clicks in the download of just how you can fit into this new paradigm and what is next to learn inside it. Aries and Scorpio people bring a weird vibe into the mix as they are lacking the regular processing speeds, you will be asked to lead more often as they start to take up more space on the warming bench,  Moon ruled people and the Cancers in your life are also in a weird place at this time,and you're likely to notice them moving in a  less than honorable way This is an opportunity for you to skip the line a bit as we move into October. There's a lot of shifts happening and the space you are holding is loaded with gifts of understanding the bigger picture. Towards the end of October there is a secret likely exposed and the way you handle this stand to define the rest of that year for you in relation to your fears and doubts. If your willing to be seen and authentic in your humility, you will find others want to invest in your and support the next steps on your path of expansion in your personhood  Cancer By the end of September you should be able to figure out what to do with the boost of energy that has been flowing through you for the previous few weeks. It's gonna feel odd and potentially uncomfortable for a bit as  the effort of experimentation in your self image is a new one for you. It's likely a Pisces, Capricorn or maybe an Aquarius will grant you some interesting morsels of thought and perception to chew on as you digest the options and advance forward. Your body is trying to communicate its needs now and if you listen , over the fall and into the winter an expanded and vibrant version of you can emerge in the spring, but the seeds start planting now. To change we must first accept that stagnation is not a worthy option.  As October opens up to you, there is a sluggish vibration that has you reexamining where and how you focus on advancement, not everything is worth the energy you provide it, Where focus goes, energy flows. October 2nd brings the eclipse and it's unavoidable now; you have to make some cuts. The way you connect with others hasn't been the healthiest and now is the time to make the changes needed in order to not only connect deeper with those worth knowing, but select deeper people to connect with. You are who you hang with, and those you keep closest have the biggest influence on you. Pick wisely, you are worthy.  Leo  Libra season starts between Eclipse and as the month of September closes out there is a New Moon Eclipse ushering in an activation into your learning centers. There is  new information in regards to how you perceive the worth around you and the bigger picture of it all. Its likely at this time there are a lot of set rules and expected paths that are just not available to you anymore, and as frustrating as that is, it actually stands to help you You see Leo, the old way is rotten, there is nothing to be gained with the tried and tested- you are in a place now to bring in a brand new version of life. Your understanding of life and the greater mechanics of this matrix we call reality has started a shift that cannot revert. It requires an authentic and compassionate disposition. Being humble and admitting to your past mistakes only stands to bring you forward faster. Your vision for wanting life can no longer hinge on where you've been and instead asks you, “but where do you wanna go”. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio water people are no longer dazzled by your light and instead stand to reflect it back to you as they themselves have found confidence in themselves. Looking deeper into the month of October, there are beautiful opportunities to socialize and learn from others in the second week of the month, and at the end of it you are posed to truly refresh your mainframe with a new batch of connections. As the new members that there are seats at your table you may find there is a bitterness from the existing outdated connections. Let them go with grace.  Virgo  Breath darling, you can rest a bit now. As Libra season pulls in, Virgo energy is directed backstage. This is the time for resting and absorbing the last season. The eclipse exposed and in some cases, exploded your connections into the forefront of your focus. As October rolls in there is a second wave of information moving into focus, but this time the energies are reflecting the lessons of moving differently in your interpersonal connection so to take better care of number one. Your history of catering to others is no longer something you can pretend is healthy. It's time to care for yourself with the same hyper focus you use to support those around you. Your friends are feeling erratic and reactive lately, and it's best if you lay low while the posse works out their differences. Do not lend your ear to gossip at this time as there is super fast karma floating round. If you find yourself in a spot where your circle is sharing stories of shame or embarrassment of others, step out. By the opening of Scorpio season there is a dawning of new energy available to you and you are up for a blast of appreciation and new responsibility, so until then, just take a back seat and relax.  Libra  Happy Birthday and Grand solar return to you Darling! What a season you are in for. Past life reflections are projected in your daily life, and lessons from previous incarnations are finally clicking into your current comprehension. Yes, you made it and no Darling, it wasn't all for nothing. As you step up into your birthday energy you are walking into a year for the books. The people pleasing fawning defenses that saved your skin in the past are no longer working and so, your new forms of self preservation are presenting themselves for your selection. You are rewriting your image from the roots up, and the tact and charm you offer are skills now opening doors for your future self. Gone are the days of being a doormat and fitting into the cracks in the wall, and in comes the power of authentic connection. With this revamping comes some critics but it's likely they are less than demure in their opinions, and showing them the exit from your life will feel most fulfilling. October brings a bumpy couple of days in the first week as your ruler venus offers up a double punch of energy activating your trauma responses and asking you to test your new insights and disposition out. Scorpio and Aries people are likely to be the main characters in this tested timeline, while you find people at home and the mother figures in your life agitated and losing sight of the boundaries you have directed them on. This will pass but in the meantime, rest assured the effects of this potential confrontational experience is here to help you move out of the outdated self preserving techniques you had acquired when you weren't able to move as freely as you can now. By the end of the season the waters will calm back down and your focus will shift from how you feel about yourself in the connection you have and move into a focus of who you choose to share this new and authentic version of yourself. Scorpio Daring and darling Scorpio, this season is the one that asks you to work back in the shadows. There is a able opportunity for you to come into new and fresh philosophies when you do the work solo. The influence of others is less than helpful at this time. As Libra season moves into its full power your ruler Mars is empty of gas, its slowing to a sluggish pace now and doing so in part of you most hopeful. You are likely noticing your faith is falling into question when you spend too much time in the collective energies. This is a soul searching time and is best met with a dedication to meditation and deep reflection. From the 6th to the 8th there is a double whammy pushing you to move into that reflective space, and it's likely Virgo or Gemini people are the one with all the busy opinions that just don't favor your efforts. Step back from these energies now and let them bother others. You need not explain your absence, and instead take heed in the notion that if you're not exposed to the drama, it likely won't keep you up at night. In the week of 13th-17th there is a new confidence and you will feel more inclined to socialize. Leo and Cancer people are most likely to want your ear and have interesting observations to share, but stay skeptical, they are going through something related to ego challenges and may appear more bitter than they actually are. Pace yourself and remember, resting is selfcare.  Sagittarius  Now is the time, Libra season is here to set you up for the rest of the year. It's not without sacrifices, but there has not been a better time to set yourself up for expansion. The eclipse will usher in the energy you need to push yourself up to this next step and all of this will be ready and ripe by the 9th. At that point you have a chance to sit with your dreams and plan the moes you want to make from now until your birthday to close out the year. Gemini, Virgo and mercury ruled individuals will have lots of insights for you to consider and you can trust them with the deets of your plan. Watch out for leos and Cancers at this time, as i have said in some of the other horoscopes, when we need eclipse, these luminary energies are outta wack and can wreak havoc when not handled with grace. Its likely Taurus and libra people are your biggest cheerleaders now and want to encourage and push you up into your potential. As your ruler goes retrograde mid October there will be a slowing down in your favor, take this time to reconnect with your inner child. Have a conversation with your 6 year old self, via meditation of mirror work and talk about what dreams you both want to see realized. This is your path and those dreams are yours because you are meant to fulfill them. Most of the people in your life are bound to be complaining about a lot of things in their perception this season, but when they come to you remember: they are here with you for a new wide view, not a sound wall. Capricorn The season of connection and relationship dawns on you with a packed focus on your reputation. Career and longevity are themes that constitute a lot of focus at this time. There are many timelines in relation to how you govern yourself publicly that are now accumulating to a higher purpose. Taking account of what has  happened to you in the past and the roots of the traumas you've experienced is vital in the movement towards superseding the patterns that you've played out. You will be anointed to be a new version of a pillar of the constituency, and it's very likely that many other people in your life will come to you for advice at this time, as you are showing up at not only available but authentic and fair. Your partnering and closest connections are about to undergo a revamp over the fall and winter, so mind your temper and understand that hurt people hurt people. Although it's not easy, you will be asked to make space for your loved one to transform their efforts and actions. This shift will mean that they are likely to act out of character and there is even a chance of betrayal here as the energies collect over Oct and into November. Patience and forgiveness need to be paired with enforced and clear boundaries for these connections to last through to the new year. When your finding the tempers of other triggers, take the spaces needed to reflect on how this connects back to the experiences you had growing up and be the grown up you wish was there for your younger self, all those years ago. Lean into the chance to protect and honor yourself so that you can show others  what is needed from them, in order to sit at your table.  Aquarius  The eclipse that comes at the beginning of \Oct is working itself out through the Libras, and Aries people in your life, and its likely there are some notable stories that come from neighbors and siblings at this time. As Pluto is standing still and shifting back into direct mode, this info they dump on you is likely to work as an ace in your pocket if you play this timing right. There are quite a few doors cracking open for you now when you do choose to work inside the collective this season. Leo, Virgo, Gemini Taurus and Libra are all in line to get your opinion on their social issues and are likely to mishandle the information you provide so ask more questions than you answer this season. Once Pluto moves into a direct fashion towards mid October you will start to feel the bonds of his influence tighten again. That was your last break from being the ultimate antagonist for the next twenty years. Get used to the front seat and headline spot because your fast procession mind is all the rage going forward.  Pisces  And now, breathe. The awakening and epiphany moments you had are still setting in as we move into the energies of vulnerability. Yes, you know now what you didn’t before and with this new information there is a new way of moving through connection with others and yourself. The love you have shared and the care you have given are being issued out with a new pride in the power they invoke in the bestowed. As the next eclipse dawns the midst of the retrograde season you are now in mode to clean house on what places you have shared your light unfiltered. Now is the time for you to lean into the connections you can trust most and feed into them the commitment you so deeply have for love and life itself. The depth available in these connections that are holding the highest of your standards is immeasurable. The love you can experience now for life itself is full of promise. Yes, there will be tears and tight places of honesty and accountability, but the more open your heart and mind, the more expansive your future, Keep diving, there is so much more to see  xo
About meI'm a third generation astrologer. I have been studying both heliocentric tropical and sidereal astrology for half a decade and performing readings locally and internationally via social media, my own personal website, psychic fairs and now this psychic app. I perform psychic readings to connect with loved ones on the other side, including pets and family and lovers. having the birthday or death date or both helps to connect with those that have passed on. *†**
17 Oct 24
The best!! Thank you 🙏
16 Oct 24
always a great reading
16 Oct 24
great reading
15 Oct 24
good reading
12 Oct 24
always a good reading
12 Oct 24
great reading
Marissa Angelique
09 Oct 24
Brie goes the extra mile for her clients and her insight has proved valuable in the long run.
09 Oct 24
thank you for your help
09 Oct 24
09 Oct 24
amazing reading
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