About my servicesHello and welcome! :-) My name is Chelsea ✨ Not only am I an energy reader, I am also a healer 💫 I am able to shift energies when divinely guided into healing and unconditional love.
This means that not only are you going to get a reading into your situation, but also a healing in the direction that is for your highest good. Through me, you will receive angelic wisdom about your situation 😇 I am a direct channel to God.
Let's shift you into a higher timeline! I pray that every soul who needs me, finds me.
About meI am a spiritual healer. I began my Awakening in 2012. I have been through many dark nights of the soul :-)
Because I have endured such darkness, I am able to hold such light.🕯️ I am able to accurately feel energy into any situation. I am wholeheartedly here to help and I am honored by every client I receive 🙏🏻
Oh my god! First I was like just a simple blessing. But no, a lot of remarkable amazing things happen right after one after another. This s*** is real. Or just a highly extreme coincidence. I definitely felt something shift. Thank you polarity princess!