Sister Michelle
Top accuracy
14,397readings since 2018readings (2018)
About my services🔮 WELCOME! I am Sister Michelle. I am a trained Spiritual Adviser and Doctor of Naturalogy. I worked for the State of Florida and Bishop Phil as a Intake officer and counselor. 🔆 💻 My specialty are: LOVE, ❤️ 👫RELATIONSHIPS, and CAREER/FINANCIAL DECISIONS.
About meI was born with a true psychic gift, and using my, calling, and my life’s work since 1996. I have worked with clients from New York to England, and they will tell you that I am straight and to the point. I treat each of my clients as family; when I am working with you, you have my undivided devotion. I am always respectful and supportive of people, no matter their backgrounds or beliefs. 👫👭. I will tell you what your “intended” path is but in the end you have the “power” to control your destiny. My ultimate goal is to help you to thrive and remove negative energy. Free will plays a big role on how events unfold 🔆 💫 Thank you for allowing me that opportunity. 🙏 ⚠️⚠️Please don’t ask for timeframes, they are always subject to change due to obstacles and people who may cross your path. I do not give readings legal matters or social security cases. ⚠️⚠️. Thank you. ⚠️⚠️ Please include your first and last name and date of birth , If it is on love include his/her first name and also their date of birth. If it is on work what area that you currently work in. ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️Disclaimer... All negative reviews are from people who was not ready for the truth and that's what I believe in. ⚠️⚠️⚠️On video readings, I will only answer 2 questions for clarity purposes only⚠️⚠️
06 Sep 24
Thank you for the helping me now I just need to wait and see the outcome come
06 Sep 24
good reading
06 Sep 24
Awesome reading as always and accurate
06 Sep 24
Thank you so much for all of the details and honesty!
04 Sep 24
Thank you
Crystal Visions Today
04 Sep 24
I have gotten so many readings from her because she is so spot on and accurate and gets straight to it. She also is able to pick up on things and knows things that I don’t even tell her. She will just confirm behaviors and intentions and actions. Her delivery is straightforward but caring and she is the person you need especially if you tend to live in your head. She will ground you down to the earth with accurate predictions and solid advice. To me, she’s a borderline life coach, who happens to be an incredible psychic and who has had many predictions come to pass already. I can’t recommend her enough!!
04 Sep 24
She is truly amazing- spot on and honest- 🙏🏻💕😇
04 Sep 24
thank you so much! 😊
04 Sep 24
my first time talking with Michelle. I’ve see her profile before but every time I had time to connect (I work 2 jobs) she was always busy or offline. which didn’t surprise me with the crazy good reviews but I can say after this long talk of vunerablilty and emotional related topics with my situation. she is a empathic, kind and wise. I really liked how she was honest good or bad and how she was listening to everything I was pouring out of my heart. I think she lives up to her reviews and I will now be a customer of hers because of how honest and kind. not to mention the accuracy! she knew things.
03 Sep 24
Great reading! Thank you 😊
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Sister Michelle
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Sister Michelle
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