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11,194readings since 2019readings (2019)
About my services💓✨ My dears I really want what’s best for you and this also means being honest. If anything I spend a good bit of time in the comments to help you with your situation if a man is not talking to you etc. But leaving a negative review because “20 other psychics said he’s my soulmate” for someone currently not talking to you/ abusive/ in another relationship etc and refusing to discuss the reading further to get BEST possible outcome in your situation is not going to change a man’s behaviour or make someone want you more. If you want true LOVE in your life you need to WANT this and be mindful of your own actions lining up 🙏💗 🌸 PLEASE READ FULL BIO BEFORE BOOKING IN- MAKE SURE I AM OFFERING THE SERVICE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ❌ NO LEGAL ISSUES ❌ NO MEDICAL ISSUES - NO EXCEPTIONS 🔥🔥 Love and care comes in many forms. I am blunt, to the point and say it like it is. I don’t have a sugar coating personality type. I believe that false hope ulitimately creates more suffering. Sometimes the most loving we can be is to say things like it is!! Please only come to me if you are looking for an honest look at your situation. 🔥🔥 DEAR OTHER ADVISORS: please have respect and come with open mind and heart if you are approaching me for guidance. 💖🏝🌟✨ Let me guide you to a life where there is no difference to what you see and dream of and what you see when you open your eyes. ✨🌟🏝💖 😇 It is my greatest prayer for you today that you are doing work that you love and you wake up in the morning excited for the day, ☀️ ☀️ with a loving partner who ADORES you. ✨ The first step to creating your dream life is to HONESTLY assess what is not working for you. By having the honesty around what makes you unhappy can give you the best starting point to creating what does make you happy which includes calling in the right kind of compatible respectful relationships with mutual love and understanding. 💖 ✨ If you ask for my guidance... from the bottom of my heart and with my spirit team... I will help you the very best that I can. With each reading comes a prayer that you may receive the guidance you need for your absolute highest good in this moment. Just know that the choice is always yours at the end of the day. I can let you know what I see but only you can choose what you want to do and believe moving forward. The future is not set in stone but shifts and transforms in front of us in accordance to the energies we put into the universe. Make sure you are putting forward positive energies. I will help you to do this. 💖💖💖✨✨✨ All messages are channeled from your spirit guides and I also work with tarot for extra detail, accuracy and confirmation. YES I DO USE TAROT CARDS- the reason is to hone into your situation faster and with more detail during a short amount of time. However I am not a traditional tarot who reads from the text book. Very looking forward to connecting with you. 🌷🌷🌷 I always provide clarity in my readings and go above and beyond in the comment section....please don’t use the review section if it is something you don’t want to hear to say to I don’t make sense when you welcome to gain clarity in the comments. Truth can break down an illusion and it takes a few moments to see reality. Please ensure that you take those momments before writing a bad review. 💖 Please state clear and focused questions. Clear questions lead to clear answers. Guessing games/ withholding important information will only distort your own reading. Why waste this potentially life changing precious time we have together? 💖 As an energy reader and healer, I do not focus on specific timeframes. I focus on a broader and detailed overview of a situation and why a situation is as it is. Sometimes focusing so much on a specific outcome can distort the energies and keep pushing away what you want. 💖🙏
About me💖🤗 Welcome to my profile 🤗💖 💖Thank you for choosing me to be your reader today. 💖🔮 I am an HONEST, sincere, open-hearted ethical ✨Professional Psychic Reader, ✨Energy Healer and Psychic ✨Development Mentor. Outside of Purple Ocean/Garden I work offering psychic readings and psychic development workshops worldwide online, in-person in New Zealand, Ireland, Australia and Spain, at spiritual festivals such as NZ Spirit Fest, Voices of Sacred Earth New Zealand, retreats and spiritual fairs. This is my life’s work. I am also a professional digital marketer with three professional marketing qualifications. I would love to help you with any questions you may have to give your spiritual business the boost it needs. 💖✨ I have a very magical life. 🦄🦄 I have lived in USA, New Zealand, Australia and travel all over the world. Specialities: I DO NOT READ PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF YOUR NEXT PARTNER. I answer general readings with the context of ENERGY HEALING- what you can do to call in this new love and to explore what may be blocking new love from coming in. 💖 Relationships (With a specific question and WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE)💓For love readings when you are currently not in a relationship with someone we can explore WHY you are not meeting someone and what you can do to change this. 💓 💖 Business (Please note that certain business decisions may be out of the scope of my capacity to read in this 3 minute format so please consider hiring a legal/business advisor for major business decisions. I only specialise in small/hobby businesses) 💖 Work (I do NOT do “Will I get the job?”, “Will I lose my job?” or “Did I pass the exam?” or “Will I get a promotion?”questions. Please note that there are many factors out of your control here and somethings you can control. ) NO “Will I get a new job?”- there is always more than one possibility for you. 💖 Decision Making 💖 Psychic Development 💖 Spiritual Crisis 💖 Integrating challenging experiences No: “Am I pregnant”, legal or investment questions. No mediumship, missing people, pets or lost objects. For the most powerful readings I recommend clear, specific, focused questions. NO TIMEFRAMES Please note that in some cases I am unable to offer readings when there has been a substantial amount of time since last contact with person of interest as well as if you are currently not in a relarionship with someone (asking for relationship on a work crush you barely speak to)
12 Mar 25
Thank you.
10 Mar 25
good reading
08 Mar 25
Christine P
07 Mar 25
sorry Carol I can only send 3 comments in 24 hours! I always appreciate Carol and her highly skilled and helpful readings. she provides far more than expected. to Carol- please make a note for next time that we only had a brief tense moment, not a conflict! :)
07 Mar 25
Wonderful reading and thorough
05 Mar 25
Thanks for reading
Julie July
05 Mar 25
very quick. good details
Cancer Leo Cusp
04 Mar 25
Thank you for hearing my story and giving your honest assessment
04 Mar 25
Thank you. Very much struggling to move forward. Your insight is probably the best I've received so far.
03 Mar 25
Thank you so much
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