4,192readings since 2019readings (2019)
About my servicesIntuitive reader, healer, meditation teacher and a trance medium. Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, empathic and clairessent.
About meHello! Hello! Updated schedule for next availability: Every Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun: 2pm - 4pm GMT and 6 - 9pm GMT. Mon/Wedn/Fri: 6 - 9pm GMT. 'See' you then! 🌹 *** Today's healing message: "At the edge of your fears and discomfort, Love is waiting for you with open arms. That Love may or may not be a person, it may or may not be romantic, but more than anything, it is Source itself. Love meets you where you least expect it to provide you with rest and relief. Worry not for this is a loving Universe." 🌹❤ *** A true clairvoyant reading is a spiritual hello. That is, your spirit is seen and validated and makes it possible for you to have, be and create more in your life. Receive a spiritual hello and step into your fullest and highest potential as a spirit here in a physical body. With your spirit fully validated there are no limits to what you can create and manifest for yourself. *** ❎✋ Pay attention ⚠️⚠️⚠️ 📞 Due to an incredibly high volume of calls on PG I am unable to continue chats in offline chat mode. I may be able to address 1 follow up / clarification question, but cannot guarantee it as I get calls back-to-back. If you are unclear about something, it is best to either continue the reading until you are clear or if the call had ended, it is best to call me through a live function again. 🚫 It is not okay to keep posting new questions and demanding answers while I am in readings with others. Doing so will mean I will not be able to read for you again in the future. 🚫 If you are not ready to hear the truth about your situation and you are looking for a psychic who will tell you what you want to hear, then I am not the reader for you. Kindly, try a different reader for that 🚫🚷 ✔ If you are ready for the truth and ready to responsibility for the ramifications of that, then please proceed. I am very compassionate in how I deliver psychic information, but I cannot lie to you. Doing so would compromise the integrity of my connection with Essence/spirit and I am not willing to let that happen. 🚫✋ Please do not leave a negative review simply because you did not like the answer. Give the reading some time to be integrated before deciding if it resonated or not. ❎❎ My only 2 negative reviews are from clients that did not like the answer that spirit showed them through me. It is impossible to not connect since all the information flows very clearly in my readings. The connection is always there, but if you don't like what is being given, you might be blocking it. ✔📍 I do not use cards or any other tools when I read energy. But I tune in through the colours I see in your aura and chakras. This is how I access information, so please be open minded about that. *** Hello there, I'm an intuitive reader, healer, trance medium, meditation and intuitive skills teacher with 10+ years of experience giving readings in person, online and offline. I received my UK certificate and licence to practice at the Holistic College of Eastbourne and I'm a member of HPAI. I had 5 years of various training programs at the Aesclepion Healing Centre: Clairvoyant (1 year program), One-to-One (16 month graduates program), Trance Medium (2. 5 year program). I work primarily from my clairvoyance, which means I visually see your energy, your aura, chakras, your Essence. You can ask about anything: relationships, career, spiritual path, life choices, spirit guides, passed away loved ones, your abilities, pets, angels and much more. Come to a session open minded and free of expectations about what you will hear. As a clairvoyant I always tune in to your Essence and what I see and describe is what your Essence wants me to see and communicate for you. Nothing more, nothing less. NB! Do not come to a session in a hurry. Do not expect all your questions to be answered within 3 - 5 minutes. A session is directed by spirit and cannot be rushed. Sometimes information flows quickly and sometimes it may take some digging to access what you are looking for. If you have not done much inner work previously, it is likely there needs to be some 'digging'. Sometimes spirit can also block you from receiving the answers you want to hear, but can offer different information as a redirection to your path. Be open to that. Please be financially prepared for the session to go for as long as it needs to. If you are not, then either come back when you are financially ready or choose another advisor who is okay with being rushed. *** VIDEO READINGS & LIVE READINGS •Only 2 questions per video order and only 1 follow up clarification question on the subjects already covered please. For any further questions you will need to make another video order. •As many questions as you like in a live reading. Questions are taken only in live mode. No follow up questions in an offline chat. •In a video order you will need to either post a video of yourself and your question or at least a photo of you and your POI if you have one. Video orders that are only text will be declined. Thank you for your consideration. *** WHAT TO EXPECT IN A 3-MIN VIDEO ORDER •I begin with tuning in to your reading colour. I describe the colours that are releasing and the colours coming in. Each of these colours contain information about you, your energy, your questions and your current growth period. •Once I have connected with your energy through your reading colour I will answer your questions. WHAT TO ASK AND HOW TO ASK? •Understand that you only have a 3 minute reading, so your questions need to be as specific as possible and with as much background info as possible. It is fine to spend more time tuning in to your situation in a live session where there is more time, but in a very short video order reading you will need to ask very specific questions. •If you don't know what to ask, it's best to ask about your potential in a situation or your available choices rather than a future prediction. Spirit is very spontaneous and does not like to be boxed into a future that can be predicted or mapped in a very specific or detailed way. *** PSYCHIC ETHICS •Please do not ask about other people's relationships or feelings for one another. Doing so is an invasion of their psychic privacy. You can ask about a person's thoughts and feelings about you and your current relationship with them. •Do not ask questions for other people. You can't do their work for them. •When asking about the future dates please be aware that at the time of the reading the psychic is shown only 1 future potentials out of many. Due to this different psychics can see different future dates for an event to happen. It doesn't mean the psychic is wrong, just that they are tuning in to different possibilities. Be respectful of a psychic and either consider the answer given or simply blow it to the wind if it doesn't resonate. •Do not try to test my psychic abilities. Testing doesn't work and is a kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You get what you believe you should get. If you are withholding information or being dishonest there won't be a flow in the reading and as a result you won't be satisfied with the answers. Be open and respectful. As a clairvoyant I may not always consciously know what it is that I'm looking at, but rest assured that those images are from Essence / spirit and are accurate and relevant. If you give false and misleading information just to test me, then your reading request will be declined as the integrity of the session would be compromised. •Please do not ask about the feelings of other people who are married or in another relationship. Or people who have not shown any interest to be in a relationship. Any questions that require psychic 'spying' will be declined. •Your questions should be about you, your own path and energy. •Please do not tell me what other psychics have told you. That is private information between you and the other psychics. Be aware that if you've had a lot of readings by different psychics on the same subject, hoping for a different answer, then the akashic records of your question become compromised. Due to this the information can appear confusing. I give you exactly what spirit/ Essence shows me at the time of the reading. *** Look forward to saying hello to you!
14 Oct 24
very gifted ! picked up on the situation right away
13 Oct 24
thank you for detailed reading and clarity 🙏🏻💕😇
12 Oct 24
he truly tuned and knew so much and explained so much details too…lets see what happens 🙏🏻😇
04 Oct 24
03 Oct 24
worth every penny!!! I just love essence joy!!!
03 Oct 24
Essencejoy is such a beautiful soul!! he was so knowledgeable!!
02 Oct 24
The great reading he connected right away, he was able to quickly establish connection and guide me in the right direction. thank you so much! definitely worth it. I recommend 10 minutes
02 Oct 24
amazing, thank you
26 Sep 24
Thank you
22 Sep 24
thank you :)
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