About my services🔮 If I'm offline and you're needing a reading, feel free to send me a message request.
If I'm unavailable at that time, I would be happy to set up an appointment 🔮
I'm an intuitive empath, clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and medium.
I'm a clear channel, which means I receive direct information from Spirit. I have the ability to connect with and share very specific details and messages from loved ones and pets who have crossed over.
I offer insight and guidance in love and relationships. I can tell you what someone is thinking, their true intentions, and if you share a karmic or soul connection with them. I can provide clarity on your life path, career and finances, and can help you better understand and tap into your own psychic abilities.
I am a remote viewer and have been successful in locating lost objects and pets.
I am a medium and have the ability to connect with departed loved ones and pets who have crossed over, but I have no control over who comes through or who wants to communicate.
If you're contacting me for a medium reading regarding a specific person and I'm unable to channel them, this is beyond my control. Personalities transfer over to the other side. Medium readings are best done over a voice or video call because I channel better through voice vibration.
My readings are straight forward, detailed, and personal. I'll tell you what I see around a person or situation. I don't sugarcoat, but my delivery is compassionate. I'll let you know what's ahead. I don't need your birthday to connect to your energy.
I'm able to sense your feelings and intentions along with those of the people and situations surrounding you. The more open and trusting you are with me, the easier it is for me to connect to you and read your energy.
If you're purposely withholding information or trying to test my abilities, it closes off your energy to me and it's difficult for me to read for you. A vague question is likely going to get a vague answer.
If you're unhappy with your reading, you're welcome to share your opinion, but keep in mind that if you choose to leave a negative review I will not read for you again. This includes leaving me a negative review and then coming back when the prediction comes to pass, or leaving negative feedback with a "smiley face" icon.
⭐ POSITIVE FEEDBACK is always appreciated, and better helps match a client to the right advisor ⭐
I have a lot of experience working with special needs children and adults in both clinical and group home settings, and just kids in general.
Being a parent is not easy, but can definitely be rewarding. I can help you to better understand what your child might be needing from you, but might not have the words to express.
I often see TIMEFRAMES, but if you're asking me for a timeframe, please consider that I'm giving you an ESTIMATE based upon current energy.
Energy is constantly moving, and time frames can shift based on circumstances and free will choices. Don't hold it against me if the person changes their mind and decides they don't want to reach out, or if the outcome gets delayed because of some unexpected circumstance.
The future is a multitude of different paths, possibilities and probabilities based upon the decisions we make in the present moment. I'm here to guide and empower you to make the best choices possible and achieve the highest outcome.
Although I do believe in Divine Will, we're not bound by fate - we're the masters of our own destinies and have the power to write our own scripts. Manifest the life you want for yourself!
🔮 ⚠️ I can't answer any new questions or continue your reading for free in the comments box after a live reading. If you have a new question, or need clarifications, it's best to continue the reading, or call me back when I'm available.
⭐ I clear the energy after each live reading I deliver. Leaving multiple portals open accumulates energy residue, and each reading will bleed into the next. I want to be a clear channel so each client receives the messages Spirit is trying to send them.
Sending additional messages while I'm in a live reading with another client is disruptive, and breaks my ability to channel. Continuous abuse of this feature will result in me not being able to read for you anymore. ⚠️🔮
About meI've been highly sensitive my entire life.
As a child I was able sense the feelings and emotions of the people around me, often mistaking them for my own. I was able to tell when someone was being dishonest with me, and was always able sense a person's true intentions.
There were things that I just "knew" about people and situations without having to ask, which later turned out to be accurate. I had a strong interest in the paranormal at a young age, and spent my teenage years reading and learning everything I could about New Age philosophies, psychic development, mediumship, past life regressions, astrology and numerology.
It wasn't until adulthood that I was able to fully understand what I was experiencing, which allowed me to let go of the fears and anxieties that had been previously holding me back, and my natural abilities flourished.
I started reading tarot in 2015, first for myself, and then for others. The more I read, the stronger my abilities became. I began receiving images from Spirit loud and clear, sometimes specific dates, timeframes, and information about a person's past, present, or future if it was meant to be revealed.
I've been reading professionally since 2017, and have had the opportunity work with thousands of clients from all around the world.
💚💙💜LGBTQ+ Issues and Support ❤️🧡💛
I'm a Leo Sun sign with a Virgo Ascendant.
I was born in 1986, the Chinese year of the Tiger. I am an intuitive emapth, clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and medium.
Reiki Level II Practitioner, Educated in Astrology, Numerology, Energy Healing. Psych Major educated in clinical, abnormal, and parapsychology